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5 Ways To Conserve Energy During Summer?

5 Ways To Conserve Energy During Summer?

During high temperatures and peak summer, every household plan to switch on the air conditioner and run it for long hours. Unfortunately, with the concept of working from home in India, the number of hours air conditioner runs has become doubled over the past few years. The electricity demand has increased with time and doubled in many places.

As Indians, we have always learnt this mantra “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Following these five methods, we will be able to save on the electricity bills:

  • Clean and service the air conditioner: Air conditioners have filters, letting the air from outside and converting the room to cool down. If it is not serviced or cleaned on time by proper equipment and technicians, this may damage the air filters. Regular servicing and cleaning make the air conditioner work efficiently and reduce the effort to be made by the air filters. It is advisable to clean the air filters and service the air conditioners every season before and after usage. This will automatically keep the air conditioner and air filters healthy and allow them to consume less power to operate. In the long run, when we look at a broader picture, these steps help us save on energy. The air conditioner manufacturer also suggests that it is essential to operate at a minimal temperature and regularly service them for regular running. You will get 3 to 4 services free with your purchase of the air conditioner if you purchase it from an authorized platform. 
  • Implement Home plant: Trees and plants have always been the natural air purifiers and light providers. The usage of home plants will improve the air quality of the house, reduce pollution and control the carbon footprints. There are multiple options available in the market for growing plants in the house. It is also considered to be auspicious if we plant trees in the house. It is seen in many cases that if the house has a lot of in-house plants, they tend to be more relaxed in summers and require fewer air conditioners to function. The requirement of appliances to generate cool air will be done automatically through natural sources. If appliances are not running, this will automatically reduce the usage of air conditioners and other appliances which require high power. 
  • Adjust or clean your fan: Reducing the number of fans in the house will not suffice; we need to clean them properly on a regular basis. Shifting the fans to a place where it is needed the most will improve the temperature of the house. Fans are appliances which consume comparatively less power than heavy appliances, but they tend to operate for long hours. An average household will somewhat have around 8 to 10 number of fans, which will run for more than 12 hours in the summers. Cleaning the motor of the fan on a regular basis will increase the efficiency and speed of the fan. Turning off the fans while no one is present in the room is the most feasible option to conserve energy.    
  • Using appliances only when needed: The more the appliances are run, the more energy they shall require to function. Choosing the right appliances at the time of purchase and operating them effectively leads to conserving energy during summers. It is very easy to comment, but it is a task to use the appliances only when needed. During summers, air conditioners and coolers usage double due to the heatwaves and rise in temperature. Switching on and turning off the air conditioners correctly will let them work effectively and consume less power. Companies now offer smart energy appliance solutions that consume 20-30% less power. It is easy to replace the old appliances with the new ones, monitor them and save on energy expenses in the long run.  
  • Consider a solar power plant: Solar energy is directly harnessed from the sun, and electricity is produced from the sun itself. The installation of solar panels on the roof helps the consumer save on electricity bills as well, as it acts as a shed on the roof to avoid overheating. There are many homeowners who wish to install solar panels on their roof and reap the benefits for a time period of twenty–five years. Generating electricity from solar panels is so easy that the maximum number of solar installations are residential in India. The appliances such as air conditioners, coolers and fans can easily be operated for long hours through solar panels. There is also an option of installing solar batteries with the power plant, which will store the excess energy in them and later use it at the time of power outages. Installing solar panels requires significantly less maintenance cost, which includes only cleaning them regularly with water. An average household needs a solar capacity of a minimum of 5 KW to a maximum of 10 KW. The installation of solar panels not only saves on electricity but also increases the value of your home in the long run. Hence, known as one of the most preferred forms of renewable energy.

Once you start with the process of conserving energy, you will start seeing the difference. The amount of energy saved during summer from your house is added to your wallet. These steps are not so difficult to begin with, and follow. The moment you start with it, you will start seeing the difference yourself.    

For more information visit: https://www.evaskaenergy.com/


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